
To ensure that enrolled children diagnosed with diabetes and their families are supported, while children are being educated and cared for by the services.
Provide strategies to support the health and safety of all children attending our service.

These guidelines will apply to the Approved provider, nominated supervisor, Certified supervisor, educators, staff, students on placement, volunteers, parents, children and others attending the service.

Actively involve the parents/guardians of each child diagnosed with diabetes in assessing risks, and developing risk minimisation and management strategies for their child
Ensure that educators and other adults at the service have adequate knowledge of diabetes and procedures to be followed in the event of a diabetes -related emergency

Approved provider is responsible for:

  • Providing educators with relevant training as required
  • Providing educators with a copy of the diabetes guidelines
  • Ensuring that the educators at the service are aware of and implement the strategies for the management of diabetes at the service
  • Ensure that all educators, including casual and relief educators, are aware of children diagnosed with diabetes, symptoms of low blood sugar levels, and the location of medication and diabetes management plans

Educators will:

  • Be required to hold current qualifications in asthma management, first aid and anaphylaxis management training and undertake approved training in the administration of Adrenalin Auto Injection Device and cardio-pulmonary resuscitation at least every 12 months.
  • Identify children diagnosed with diabetes when they receive the Child’s enrolment and provide the child’s parents/guardians a copy of this policy.
  • Arrange a time with the parents/guardian of the child to receive the Diabetes Management Plan and develop the risk minimisation and Communication plan prior to the commencement at the service.
  • Provide a safe and healthy environment in which all children can participate fully in all aspects of the program.
  • Pay special consideration when planning physical activities and excursions.
  • Support the child diagnosed with diabetes to eat at additional times as required especially when involved in physical activity.
  • Plan carefully any water sport activities to ensure increase supervision because a low blood glucose may increase the risk of drowning.
  • Monitor the child with diabetes for signs and symptoms of high or low blood glucose levels
  • Report symptoms and any action taken to the parent/guardian
  • Promptly communicate any concerns to parents/guardians should it be considered that a child’s diabetes is limiting his/her ability
  • to participate fully in all activities
  • Contact Diabetes Australia-Vic for further support or information
  • Families will be responsible for:
  • Parents/guardians of the children diagnosed with Diabetes will :
  • Provide the service with the Diabetes Management Plan signed by the child’s medical practitioner before the child commences at the service or returns to the service after the diagnosis. Notify the educator immediately if there are any changes to the Medical Management Plan at any time.
  • Together with the educator complete a Diabetes Risk Minimisation and Communication plan before the child commences at the service or returns to the service after diagnosis
  • Provide the service with any equipment and medication as per the child’s Medical Management Plan at all times the child is in attendance at the service
  • Provide medication that is within its use by date and in its original packaging and replace immediately when the use by date is due to expire



July 2019


July 2020


Policy created for First Idea Family Day Care Services, inclusive of changes to the National Quality Standards and Education and Care National Regulations

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